Published in Current Bioinformatics, 2018
Citation: Y. Asgari, Z. Zabihinpour, A. Masoudi-Nejad, (2018). "SCAN-Toolbox: Structural COBRA Add-oN (SCAN) for Analysing Large Metabolic Networks" Genomics. Vol.13, No.1, Page:100-107 https://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/ben/cbio/2018/00000013/00000001/art00015
We have developed a MATLAB/Octave toolbox, which extends the COBRA framework and provides functions to prepare different metabolite- and enzyme-centric networks that could also be imported in other structural analysis softwares, such as Cytoscape for structural analyses.
Y. Asgari, Z. Zabihinpour, A. Masoudi-Nejad, (2018). “SCAN-Toolbox: Structural COBRA Add-oN (SCAN) for Analysing Large Metabolic Networks” Current Bioinformatics. Vol.13, No.1, Page:100-107.